Vipac Agrees #NoExcuseForSingleUse

As if making luxurious vinyl zipper packaging weren’t enough of a portfolio, Vipac has insisted from the first clear home textile bag that our products should be sturdy enough to be used again and again. Vipac has been promoting reuse for over 60 years all while continuing to improve processes and materials that support the “reduce/reuse/recycle” philosophy of the eco-conscious consumer.

Our custom vinyl comforter bags are great for home storage of clothes, seasonal bedding, and kitchen and bath textiles. They’re also big enough to store kids’ games and puzzles – clear vinyl helps you see what’s inside so home organization is a breeze. Bulky sports uniforms and gear fit in these roomy zipper bags, and the sturdy handles make it easy to carry on the go.

These days with all we now know, there’s no excuse for single use of Vipac sturdy  clear pvc packaging. From our smallest cosmetic bags to our custom designed cylinder bags the reuse possibilities extend from the crib to the dorm.

So contact us today and let us find all the ways your packaging can more than meet the eye – let’s be mindful together.

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